North Carolina North Carolina Will Laws

  North Carolina

Here you will find legal terms and their application by state as this can vary depending on where you live.

Reciprocity - The practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another. Certain states will limit the extent to which they honor health care directives(reciprocity) from other states, meaning they will only accept them so far as they comply with their own laws. This creates a bit of a legal grey area, however, most times it doesn't become an issue.

State Law Citation and Title

NC GEN ST ยง 29-1 to 29-30

North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 29 (Intestate Succession)

State Law Statute

90-320, et seq. Right to Natural Death

Specific Powers

Declarant may instruct attending physicians' to withhold extraordinary means to keep declarant alive whose condition is either terminal and incurable or who is in a persistent vegetative state as confirmed in writing by second physician which would only serve to postpone artificially the moment of death by sustaining, restoring, or supplanting a vital function

Revocation Duration

A living will is revocable in any manner by which the declarant is able to communicate his intent to revoke, without regard for his current mental or physical state. Revocation is effective immediately upon communication to physician.

Immunity Physician

Withholding or discontinuing of extraordinary means shall not be considered cause of death for civil or criminal purposes. These provisions may be asserted as a defense to any civil or criminal suits or charges filed against a health care provider

** This Document Provided By Will Laws **